The probability that a patient recovers from a stomach disease is .8. Suppose 20 people are known to have contracted this disease. What is the probability that exactly 14 recover?

Jason Farmer

Jason Farmer

Answered question


The probability that a patient recovers from a stomach disease is .8.
Suppose 20 people are known to have contracted this disease.
What is the probability that exactly 14 recover?

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-08-18Added 96 answers

Let Y be the random variable denoting the number of patients that recover from the stomach disease. Y is clearly a binomial random variable as each patient (or trial) is independent and has identical distribution, each patient will either recover or not recover(i.e. has only 2 values).
Here, n=20 and p=0.8.
We need to find P(Y=14). This can be found by using Table Iin Appendix 3 with n=20 and p=0.8.
Result: P(Y=14)=0.109

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