X denotes a binomial random variable with parameters n and p, Indicate which area under the appropriate normal curve would be determined to approximate the specified binomial probability. P(X >= 8)



Answered question


X denotes a binomial random variable with parameters n and p, Indicate which area under the appropriate normal curve would be determined to approximate the specified binomial probability.

Answer & Explanation

Ezra Herbert

Ezra Herbert

Skilled2021-02-25Added 99 answers

Step 1
Continuity correction:
The binomial probability is converted to a normal distribution probability by using the continuity correction.
If the binomial probability represents “\(\displaystyle{X}\ge{a}\)” then subtract 0.5 from a and 0.5 to n where n represents the number of trials.
Step 2
That is,
Thus, the area between 7.5 and \(n+0.5\) under the appropriate normal curve would estimate the binomial probability \(\displaystyle{P}{\left({X}\ge{8}\right)}\).

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