Can light be diffracted the same way other waves can?



Answered question


Can light be diffracted the same way other waves can?

Answer & Explanation

Elisa Spears

Elisa Spears

Beginner2022-10-09Added 9 answers

Diffraction occurs when a certain condition is met. That is- the size of the obstacle is close to the wavelength of light. Tell your friend that the pin hole experiment that he did isn't sufficient to disprove the diffraction of light because the pin hole is too large compared to the wavelength of visible light.
Also, light is special in a way that we can't say if it is a wave or a particle or whatever. We can just study the different properties of light from different experiments. If we change experimental conditions then we may observe different effects. It doesn't change the fact that light does behave like waves under certain conditions.

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