In the equation of species - area relationship, the letter ‘C’ and ‘Z’ represent C = y-intercept, Z = slope of the line (regression coefficient) C = slope of the line, Z = regression coefficient C = Regression coefficient, Z = y-intercept Both 2 and 3

Kadyn Acevedo

Kadyn Acevedo

Answered question


In the equation of species - area relationship, the letter ‘C’ and ‘Z’ represent
C = y-intercept, Z = slope of the line (regression coefficient)
C = slope of the line, Z = regression coefficient
C = Regression coefficient, Z = y-intercept
Both 2 and 3

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-12Added 11 answers

According to the link between species richness and area, species richness within a region only rises with more investigated area up to a certain point. When the area is depicted on the X axis and the species richness is plotted on the Y axis, the relationship between the two variables is shown as a rectangular hyperbola curve. It is expressed by the equation S = CA^Z
The connection is shown as a straight line when this graph is displayed on a logarithmic scale, and the equation that describes it is as follows:
log S = log C +Z log A, S is species richness, A is available area, Z is slope of the line, C is Y-intercept
So, C = y-intercept, Z = slope of the line (regression coefficient)

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