Is gravity the strongest force in the universe?



Answered question


Is gravity the strongest force in the universe?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-03-15Added 6 answers

Of the four fundamental forces, gravity is the weakest. The other three (most attractive to least attractive by order of numbering)
1)The strong nuclear force.
2)The electromagnetic force.
3)The weak nuclear force.
1)Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward the center of a planet or other object. All of the planets are kept in orbit around the sun by the force of gravity.
2)Two protons exert a number of forces on one another when they are kept in close proximity. The two protons are electromagnetically attracted to one another by their shared positive electric charge and are drawn together by gravity because they both have mass.
3)The strong nuclear force is the most powerful at short distances, it triumphs over the other forces, causing the two protons to become entangled and form a helium nucleus (typically a neutron is also needed to keep the helium nucleus stable).
4)At the atomic level, gravity is so weak that scientists can usually ignore it without making serious errors in their computations.
Thus, gravity is not the strongest force in the universe.

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