A uniform cable of weight w hangs vertically downward, supported by an upward force of magnitude w at its top end. A)What is the tension in the cable at its top end? B) What is the tension in the cable at its bottom end? C) What is the tension in the cable at its middle end?



Answered question


A uniform cable of weight w hangs vertically downward, supported by an upward force of magnitude w at its top end.
A)What is the tension in the cable at its top end?
B) What is the tension in the cable at its bottom end?
C) What is the tension in the cable at its middle end?

Answer & Explanation

Maciej Morrow

Maciej Morrow

Skilled2020-10-22Added 98 answers





Beginner2022-09-05Added 1 answers

I've seen this problem in the book 'university physics' and tried to solve it

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