An astronaut is in training in an earthbound centrifuge that consist of a small chamber whirled around horizontally at the end of a 5.1-m-long shaft.

Isa Trevino

Isa Trevino

Answered question


An astronaut is in training in an earthbound centrifuge that consist of a small chamber whirled around horizontally at the end of a 5.1-m-long shaft. The astronaut places a notebook on the vertical wall of the chamber and it stays in place. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.62, what is the minimum rate at which the centrifuge must be revolving?

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-10-21Added 94 answers

We'll definitely need a free body here
The normal force provides the needed centripetal force to keep the book moving in a circle. In this condition, frictionbalances gravity, so
Take the 'r-component' as pointing to the center of the circle.
Since Ff=Fn
so v2r=80.6 ms25.1 m=2.52s

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