Write an equation to solve each problem. Two planes left an

Wanda Kane

Wanda Kane

Answered question


Write an equation to solve each problem.
Two planes left an airport at noon. One flew east and the other flew west at twice the speed. After 3 hours the planes were 2700 mi apart. How fast was each plane flying?

Answer & Explanation

Jeremy Merritt

Jeremy Merritt

Beginner2022-01-05Added 31 answers

Let x be the speed of the slower plane going east in mi/hr
2x is the speed of the plane going west.
If they are 2700 mi apart in 3 hr then
So the faster plane flew at 60 mi/hr.
East at 300mi/hr, west at 600 mi/hr
Lynne Trussell

Lynne Trussell

Beginner2022-01-06Added 32 answers

If we call the speed of the first plane v then the other plane has a speed of 2v
So the distance between the planes will get greater by
v+2v=3v every hour
So in three hours their distance will be:
33v which is equal to 2700 mi.
So 9v=2700v=27009=300h
And the other plane had twice that speed: 600mph


Expert2022-01-11Added 613 answers

x= speed of the first plane. (east)
2x= speed of the second plane (west).
we can suggest this equation:
speed of the first plane =300 miles/h
speed of the second plane =2x=2(300 miles/h)=600 miles/h
Answer: the speed of the first plane was 300 miles/h, and the speed of the second plane was 600 miles/h.

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