A stationary boat in the ocean is experiencing waves from



Answered question


A stationary boat in the ocean is experiencing waves from a storm. The waves move at 55 km/h and have a wavelength of 160 m. The boat is at a crest of a wave. How much time elapses until the boat is first at the trough of a wave?

Answer & Explanation

Jim Hunt

Jim Hunt

Beginner2022-01-12Added 45 answers

The wavelength of the wave from the storm,
λ=160 m
The speed of the wave,
v=55 kmh
The distance between a crest and the trough that is directly equal to half the wavelength of the wave.
=160 m2
=80 m
The expression for the speed of the wave,
The time taken
Substitute the values,
t=8055 kmh×1 km1000 m×3600 s1 h
=5.24 s

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