A brick is dropped from the roof of a tall



Answered question


A brick is dropped from the roof of a tall building. After it has been falling for a few seconds, it falls 40.0 m in a 1.00-s time interval. What distance will it fall during the next 1.00 s? Ignore air resistance.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-13Added 38 answers

Take the positive y direction to be downward, so yy0=40 m.For that one second we can imagine the brick to start falling withinitial velocity v0 that makes it fall a distance 40 m in just one second . Having known the initial velocity, we can calculate the distance the brick will move in 2 seconds and then we can know the distance moved in the second 1 s interval by subtracting the first 40 m fom the total distance moved in 2 seconds.
For t=2s
yy0=35.1×2+4.9×22=89.8 m
So, the distance moved in the second 1 s interval is:

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