How many 5-digit numbers can you form using

Zhen Hu

Zhen Hu

Answered question


How many 5-digit numbers can you form using the numbers 8 and 9

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2023-06-06Added 165 answers

To find out how many 5-digit numbers can be formed using the numbers 8 and 9, we can consider the following:
Since we are forming 5-digit numbers, we need to determine the number of choices for each digit from left to right.
For the first digit (the leftmost digit), we have 2 choices: 8 or 9. Thus, we can represent this choice using 2.
For the second digit, third digit, fourth digit, and fifth digit, we also have 2 choices (8 or 9) for each digit. So, we can represent each choice using 2.
Since the digits are chosen independently, we can use the multiplication principle to determine the total number of 5-digit numbers that can be formed. We multiply the number of choices for each digit:

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