Rings for which the Köthe conjecture holds Is there an overview of rings for which the Köthe conjecture is known to hold? In particular, I am interested in endomorphism rings of graded modules over multivariate polynomial rings. This survey states that the conjecture holds for left artinian rings (alas, without a reference). However, in the notion of that survey, to hold means that "the ideal generated by every nil left ideal of R is nil." So my explicit question is: In any left artinian ring, or in a particular special case thereof, is it true that the sum of two left nil ideals is nil again?



Answered question


Rings for which the Köthe conjecture holds
Is there an overview of rings for which the Köthe conjecture is known to hold? In particular, I am interested in endomorphism rings of graded modules over multivariate polynomial rings. I read one survey states that the conjecture holds for left artinian rings (alas, without a reference). However, in the notion of that survey, to hold means that "the ideal generated by every nil left ideal of R is nil."
So my explicit question is: In any left artinian ring, or in a particular special case thereof, is it true that the sum of two left nil ideals is nil again?

Answer & Explanation

Mateo Tate

Mateo Tate

Beginner2022-09-08Added 18 answers

Yes, because in a left Artinian ring nil left ideals are nilpotent, and the sum of two nilpotent left ideals is always nilpotent.

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