Now consider an excited‑state hydrogen atom. What is

Answered question


Now consider an excited‑state hydrogen atom. What is the energy of the electron in the 𝑛=5    level

Answer & Explanation



Expert2022-08-03Added 777 answers

According to Rydbery equation for calculation of energy


hPlank's constant = 6.626×10-34m2 kg/s

c - speed of ight = 3×108m/s

Rn- Rydbery contact = 1097×107m2

For Grand state n=1


=-21.806×10-19kg m2/s2


Thus, E1=-2.1086×10-18J

for excited state, n=5

E5=(-6.626×10-34m2kg/s)×(3×108m/s)(1.09×107m2) (5)2



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