Why is the diffraction of sound easier to observe than the diffraction of visible light? F. Sound waves are easier to detect than visible light waves. G. Sound waves have longer wavelengths than visible light waves and so bend more around barriers. H. Sound waves are longitudinal waves, which diffract more than transverse waves. I. Sound waves have greater amplitude than visible light waves.



Answered question


Why is the diffraction of sound easier to observe than the diffraction of visible light?
F. Sound waves are easier to detect than visible light waves.
G. Sound waves have longer wavelengths than visible light waves and so bend more around barriers.
H. Sound waves are longitudinal waves, which diffract more than transverse waves.
I. Sound waves have greater amplitude than visible light waves.

Answer & Explanation

Phoenix Owen

Phoenix Owen

Beginner2022-10-01Added 6 answers

Sound waves tens to have much longer wavelengths when compared to light waves. Sound waves are able to bend so that you can hear from all different angles.

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