Ultrasound waves at intensities above 10^4W/m^2 can do serious damage to living tissues. If 10^4W/m^2 corresponds to 160 dB. what is the sound intensity level, in decibels, of ultrasound with intensity 10^5W/m^2 , used to pulverize tissue during surgery?



Answered question


Ultrasound waves at intensities above 10 4 W / m 2 can do serious damage to living tissues. If 10 4 W / m 2 corresponds to 160 dB. what is the sound intensity level, in decibels, of ultrasound with intensity 10 5 W / m 2 , used to pulverize tissue during surgery?

Answer & Explanation

Rihanna Blanchard

Rihanna Blanchard

Beginner2022-10-03Added 13 answers

P = 10 log I I 0  = 10 log 10 5 10 4 = 10 d B

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