What is the frequency of the second harmonic sound wave in an open-ended tube that is 4.8 m long? The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

Nathanial Levine

Nathanial Levine

Answered question


What is the frequency of the second harmonic sound wave in an open-ended tube that is 4.8 m long? The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-06Added 10 answers

For an open ended tube, both the ends represent antinodes,so distance between two antinodes = λ 2 (where , λ is the wavelength)
So,we can say l = 2 λ 2 for 2 nd harmonic,where l is the length of the tube.
So, λ = l
Now,we know, v = ν λ where, v is the velocity of a wave, ν is the frequency and λ is the wavelength.
Given, v = 340 m s 1 , l = 4.8 m
So, ν = v λ = 340 4.8 = 70.82 H z

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