If sound waves were dispersive (that is, if the speed of sound depended on its frequency), what would be the consequences of someone listening to an orchestra in a a concert hall?



Answered question


If sound waves were dispersive (that is, if the speed of sound depended on its frequency), what would be the consequences of someone listening to an orchestra in a a concert hall?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-09Added 4 answers

The speed of the sound travelling in the medium is determined by,
v = f × λ
v = velocity of propagation f= frequency or wave λ = wavelength So it is clear that velocity, wavelength and frequency are interconnected.
If in case man listening to an orchestra in a concert hall waves directly comes to his ear and set on the eardrum vibrate. But this vibration depends upon its pitch. A higher speed of sound produces high frequency, so the pitch of the sound is also high and the same low-frequency sound produce low pitch which means the loudness of sound is also low.

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