Question 1 The heels on a pair of women's shoes have radii of 0.50 cm at the bottom. If 30% of the weight of a woman weighing 480 N is supported by each heel, find the stress on each heel. Question 2 For Satety in climbing., a mountaineer uses a nylon rope that is 50 m long and 0 cm in diameter when supporting a 90-kg climber the rope elongates 1.6m. Find Young modulus Question 3 Bone has a Young's modulus of about 18 xx 109 Pa Under compression, it can withstand a stress of about 160 xx 106 Pa before breaking Assume that a femur (thighbone) is 0.50 m long, and calculate the amount of compression this bone can withstand before breaking.



Answered question


Question 1
The heels on a pair of women's shoes have radii of 0.50 cm at the bottom. If 30% of the weight of a woman weighing 480 Nis supported by each heel, find the stress on each heel.
Question 2
For Satety in climbing., a mountaineer uses a nylon rope that is 50 m long and 0 cm in diameter when supporting a 90-kgclimber the rope elongates 1.6m. Find Young modulus
Question 3
Bone has a Young's modulus of about 18 × 109 P a Under compression, it can withstand a stress of about 160 x 106 Pabefore breaking Assume that a femur (thighbone) is 0.50 m long, and calculate the amount of compression this bone canwithstand before breaking.

Answer & Explanation

Kamila Donovan

Kamila Donovan

Beginner2022-12-20Added 6 answers

Question 1 )
r = 0.5 c m = 0.005 m
30 % of the woman of 480 N
so F = 480 × 0.3
F = 144 N A = π r 2 = 3.14 × 0.005 2 A = 7.85 × 10 5 m 2
stress is defined as force for unit area
stress = F / A
= 144 7.85 × 10 5
stress = 1.834394 × 10 6 N / m 2
so the stress on each wheel is 1.834394 × 10 6 N / m 2
Question 2 )
L = 50 m D = 0.01 m r = D / 2 A = 3.14 × ( D / 2 ) 2 F = 900 N d L = 1.6 m Y = F L / A d L = 900 × 50 / 7.85 × 10 5 × 0.01 Y = 3.58 × 10 8 N / m 2
so the Young’s Modulus (Y) for the rope is Y = 3.58 × 10 8 N / m 2
Question 3 )
Y = 18 × 10 9 P a  or  N / m 2
stress = 160 × 10 6 N / m 2
L = 0.5 m
d L = stress  × ( L Y )
= 160 × 10 6 × ( 0.5 / 18 × 10 9 )
d L = 4.44 × 10 3 m
d L = 0.444 c m
d L = 4.44 m m

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