Can nuclei of the same element have different values of Z? Of N? Of A? Can nuclei of different elements have the same values of Z? Of N? Of A?



Answered question


Can nuclei of the same element have different values of Z? Of N? Of A?
Can nuclei of different elements have the same values of Z? Of N? Of A?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-21Added 2 answers

To determine the nuclei having the same element have different values of Z,
The atomic number (Z) determines the number of protons that is being present in the atom. It results in having unique number of protons. On based on the atom being electrical neutral the result is based on the equal number of protons and electrons.
The nucleus will vary based on the increase in atomic number defines the number of neutrons. The value of the mass number (A) determines the addition of protons (P) and neutrons (N). Hence, the equation of A is A = Z + N. The different values of Z determine the value of no nuclei. The different values are based on the possibility of the mass number and neutron.
The example of helium is 1 3 H e 2 3 H e 2 4 H e 2 6 H e

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