A helicopter of mass M is lowering a truck of mass m onto the deck of a ship, (a) At first, the helicopter and the truck move downward together (the length of the cable doesn't change). If their downward speed is decreasing at a rate of 0.467g, what is the tension in the cable? T = mg As the truck gets close to the deck, the helicopter stops moving downward. While it hovers, it lets out the cable so that the truck is still moving downward. If the truck's downward speed is decreasing at a rate of 0.467g, while the helicopter is at rest, what is the tension in the cable? T = mg

Dominic Woodward

Dominic Woodward

Answered question


A helicopter of mass M is lowering a truck of mass m onto the deck of a ship, (a) At first, the helicopter and the truck move downward together (the length of the cable doesn't change). If their downward speed is decreasing at a rate of 0.467g, what is the tension in the cable?
As the truck gets close to the deck, the helicopter stops moving downward. While it hovers, it lets out the cable so that the truck is still moving downward. If the truck's downward speed is decreasing at a rate of 0.467g, while the helicopter is at rest, what is the tension in the cable?

Answer & Explanation

Faith Best

Faith Best

Beginner2022-12-21Added 4 answers

The first is T m g = m a T = m g + m a T = 1.467   m g
Second is T m g = m a T = m g + m a T = 1.467   m g

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