Who knows When a falling firecracker explodes, the momenta of its pieces _______. What is the momentum of an 8.4-kg bowling ball rolling at 1.0m/s ? {Momentum = mv} What impulse occurs when an average force of 12N is exerted on a cart for 2.1s ? [Impulse = Ft] What is the magnitude of the impulse on an 7.6-kg ball rolling at 1.4m/s when it bumps into a pillow and stops? [Impulse = change in momentum: Ft=Δmv]



Answered question


Who knows
a. When a falling firecracker explodes, the momenta of its pieces _______.
b. What is the momentum of an 8.4-kg bowling ball rolling at 1.0m/s ?
{Momentum = mv}
c. What impulse occurs when an average force of 12N is exerted on a cart for 2.1s ?
[Impulse = Ft]
d. What is the magnitude of the impulse on an 7.6-kg ball rolling at 1.4m/s when it bumps into a pillow and stops?
[Impulse = change in momentum: Ft=Δmv]

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-19Added 6 answers

a. ....vectorally add up to equal the initial momentum of the firecracker
b. p = 8.4 ( k g m ) / s
c. p = 25 ( k g m ) / s
d. impulse = 11 N⋅s

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