The special theory of relativity deals with space and time under what special condition?

Dominic Woodward

Dominic Woodward

Answered question


The special theory of relativity deals with space and time under what special condition?

Answer & Explanation

Brynlee Potter

Brynlee Potter

Beginner2022-12-20Added 1 answers

Answer: Invariance of the speed of light in vacuum
In 1905, Einstein put forth his theory of special relativity, which he based on the following two premises:
1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems. There is no preferential system.
2. The speed of light in vacuum has the same value for all inertial systems.
With particular attention paid to the first premise, it can be stated that any measurement taken of a body is done so in relation to the system in which it is being measured.
In addition, it deals with the dilation of time stating that time passes at different rates in regions of different gravitational potential. That is, the greater the local distortion of space-time due to gravity, the slower the time passes.
On the other hand, following what relativity establishes, bodies within a gravitational field follow a curved space path.

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