a. To impart the greatest momentum to an object, you must... b. When you are struck by a moving object, is it favorable that the object makes contact with you over a short time or over a long time? c. Why is a force that is applied for a short time more effective in karate?



Answered question


a. To impart the greatest momentum to an object, you must...
b. When you are struck by a moving object, is it favorable that the object makes contact with you over a short time or over a long time?
c. Why is a force that is applied for a short time more effective in karate?

Answer & Explanation

Ramon Hart

Ramon Hart

Beginner2022-12-18Added 5 answers

a. To impart the greatest momentum to an object, you must exert the greatest force over the longest time.
b. When you are struck by a moving object, is it favorable that the object makes contact with you over a short time or over a long time? Long contact time decreases the magnitude of the average force and is favorable.
c. Why is a force that is applied for a short time more effective in karate? The average force is increased.

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