Tell me about four types of resistance forces



Answered question


Tell me about four types of resistance forces

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-20Added 4 answers

There are 4 types of resistance forces
1. Friction.Friction is the force that prevents solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material components from sliding against each other. Frictional forces can provide a significant amount of resistance to motion, but they can also be useful, such as the traction required to walk without slipping.
2. Gravity. Gravity is a force that attracts objects towards the center of a planet or other entity. The gravitational pull keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun.
3. Air Resistance. The force of air resistance, also known as drag, acts in the opposite direction to the motion of an object through the air. This frictional force slows down the object as it moves.
4. Objects with inertia, mass and momentum. Inertia is the quality of an object that causes it to resist changes in its state of motion. An object's momentum is the product of its mass and velocity. Both of these properties are connected to an object's rest mass or rest energy.

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