A ladder 20 ft long leans against a vertical wall. The top end slides downwards at the rate of 2 ft per second. The rate at which the lower end moves on a horizontal floor when it is 12 ft from the wall is A)8/3; B)6/5; C)3/2; D)17/4

Oliver Garrett

Oliver Garrett

Answered question


A ladder 20 ft long leans against a vertical wall. The top end slides downwards at the rate of 2 ft per second. The rate at which the lower end moves on a horizontal floor when it is 12 ft from the wall is A)\frac83; B) \frac65; C) \frac32; D) \frac{17}{4}

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-25Added 11 answers

The ideal decision is A) 8 3
From figure, x 2 + y 2 = 400
We have d y d t = 2   f t / s e c
x 2 + y 2 = 400
Differentiate w.r.t t,
2 x d x d t + 2 y d y d t = 0
x d x d t = 2 y
Now, when x = 12 y = 16
12 × d x d t = 2 × 16 d x d t = 8 3

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