Why an electron loses potential energy when reaching the negative end of the battery?

Keely Rivers

Keely Rivers

Answered question


Why an electron loses potential energy when reaching the negative end of the battery?

Answer & Explanation

Ace Lowery

Ace Lowery

Beginner2022-12-24Added 6 answers

The potential difference V between two points is defined as the work per unit charge required to move the charge between the two points.As the charge Q moves through resistance connected to the terminals of a battery the battery does work QV to move the charge between the terminals against the electrical resistance of the circuit, and the charge loses potential energy in the form of heat dissipated in the resistors.While the positive charge draws electrons, the negative charge repels them.As a result of the influence of electrical forces, electrons in an electric field must move from low-potential to high-potential locations. Hence, when an electron reaches the negative end of a battery, it loses potential energy.

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