The position of an electron is given by PSKr=3.63ti - 5.73t^2j + 8.16k, with t in seconds and r in meters?

Jonas Bautista

Jonas Bautista

Answered question


The position of an electron is given by r=3.63ti^5.73t2j^+8.16k^, with t in seconds and r in meters?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-26Added 7 answers

An electron's position is determined by #vecr=3.63thati−5.73t^2hatj+8.16hatk#
Velocity #vecv# is first differential of position vector with time.
(a) 3.63 ms1
(b) 11.46t ms1 For t=2.63 s, we get
11.46×2.63=30.140 ms1
(c) |v|=(3.63)2+(30.140)2
|v|=30.578 ms1
(d) If θ is the angle made by velocity with x-axis at time t
Inserting calculated values
tan θ=30.1403.63, (4th quadrant)
θ=83.1, relative to the positive direction of the x-axis, in the desired range.

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