Flying to Kampala with a tailwind a plane averaged 158 km/h. On the return trip the plane only averaged 112 km/h while flying back into the same wind. What is the speed of the wind and the speed of the plane in still air?



Answered question


Flying to Kampala with a tailwind a plane averaged 158 km/h. On the return trip the plane only averaged 112 km/h while flying back into the same wind. What is the speed of the wind and the speed of the plane in still air?

Answer & Explanation

Belinda Solomon

Belinda Solomon

Beginner2023-01-01Added 11 answers

So your equations:
To calculate plane speed, combine these two equations. (W):
or P=135kmh
You can use either the first or second equation to calculate wind speed.
W=23kmh This is wind speed

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