It is known that atoms have electrons, protons ,neutrons if the mass of neutron is assumed to be half of its original value whereas that of proton is assumed to be twice the original value ,then the atomic mass of 6C^14 will be. 14.3%less than the original 14.3%greater than the orginal 28.6%less than the original 28.6%greater than the original. ​​

Bradley Collier

Bradley Collier

Answered question


It is known that atoms have electrons, protons ,neutrons if the mass of neutron is assumed to be half of its original value whereas that of proton is assumed to be twice the original value ,then the atomic mass of 6C^14 will be.
14.3%less than the original
14.3%greater than the orginal
28.6%less than the original
28.6%greater than the original. ​​

Answer & Explanation

Larry Newman

Larry Newman

Beginner2022-12-30Added 7 answers

Protons number = 6 , protons mass = 6 amu, neutrons number = 8, neutrons mass = 8 amu
Mass of 14C6 = 6 + 8 = 14 amu
The mass of 14C6 becomes 8/2 + 6 x 2 = 16 amu when the mass of protons is doubled and the mass of neutrons is cut in half.
Percentage by which the mass has increased = (16-14)/14 * 100 = 14.28 % (answer)

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