What is M1V1=M2V2 different from M1=M2V2/(V1+V2)and N1V1=N2V2

Araceli Kidd

Araceli Kidd

Answered question


What is M1V1=M2V2 different from M1=M2V2/(V1+V2)and N1V1=N2V2

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-02Added 14 answers

The law of equivalence, which may be constructed as follows, yields the normalcy equation (N1V1=N2V2) as its immediate outcome.
normality=no. Of gram equivalent / litre of solution
No. Of g equivalent = litre of solution*normality at the equivalent point of titration
No. Of g eq. Of acid=No. Of g eq. Of base
litre of acid solution*normality of acid=litre of base solution*normality of base.
So, V1N1=V2N2
We have a formula to make a fixed volume of diluted solution M1V1 = M2V2

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