A space vehicle is traveling at 4300Kmph relative to earth when the exhausted motor (mass 4m) is disengaged and sent back ward with a velocity 82Kmph relative to the command module (mass m) . What is the speed of the command module relative to earth just after separation

Araceli Kidd

Araceli Kidd

Answered question


A space vehicle is traveling at 4300Kmph relative to earth when the exhausted motor (mass 4m) is disengaged and sent back ward with a velocity 82Kmph relative to the command module (mass m) . What is the speed of the command module relative to earth just after separation

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-06Added 9 answers

Let's assume that the particle has a total mass of M and an initial velocity of U. After the rocket motor's mass disintegrates, let's suppose its velocity is m, and let's say the mass of the command module is (M-m). Let the rocket motor's velocity be v and the command module's terminal velocity be V.
MU = (M-m)V + mv
M= 5, m=4 , (M-m)=1 , U= 4300km/h, (V-v)= 82km/h.
(5*4300) = V + 4(V-82)
V= 4365.6

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