The current traveling from the cathode to the screen in a television picture tube is #5.0 times 10^-5# ampere. How many electrons strike the screen in 5.0 seconds?

Wendy Larsen

Wendy Larsen

Answered question


The current traveling from the cathode to the screen in a television picture tube is #5.0 times 10^-5# ampere. How many electrons strike the screen in 5.0 seconds?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-07Added 12 answers

Electric current is defined as the net amount of charges moving through a conductor's cross section:
I = Qt
Q= charge
I = current
t = time
e = 1.602×1019 C, charge carried by one electron.
The total amount of charges crossing an a cross-section is:
Q = I t
Since each electron carries only 1 e charge, then there must be Qe electrons:
Number of electrons = Qe=Ite


Beginner2023-01-08Added 1 answers

We have:
5.00×105  A1
An ampere is defined as 1  A=(1  C/s)
5.00×105  C1  s
Additionally, the duration of time is 5  s:
5.00×105  C1  s5  s1
The conversion factor from Coulombs to electrons is 6.242×1018  electronsC
5.00×105  C1  s5  s16.242×1018  electronsC=1.56×1015  electrons

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