Check the equation 1/2mvsquare=mgh is dimensionally correct or not

Damaris Bradshaw

Damaris Bradshaw

Answered question


Check the equation 1/2mvsquare=mgh is dimensionally correct or not

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-27Added 5 answers

1/2mv² = mgh
We must verify the accuracy.
by dimensional analysis
Dimensional formula of 1/2mv²
will. be [M¹ L²T-²]
so now RHS
dimensional formula of mass is [M¹]
dimensional formula of g (acceleration due to gravity) is [ L¹ T-²]
dimensional formula of height(length) is [L¹]
so dimensional formula of mgh will be

= [M¹ L²T-² ]
so LHS = RHS
it means formulas are dimensionally correct.

Cindy Hubbard

Cindy Hubbard

Beginner2023-01-28Added 1 answers

I like your answer, really cool

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