Why does the pressure of liquids increases with depth? What is the possible scientific reason for this?



Answered question


Why does the pressure of liquids increases with depth? What is the possible scientific reason for this?

Answer & Explanation

Kieran Oconnell

Kieran Oconnell

Beginner2023-01-30Added 4 answers

Due to the weight of the water above and below, water pressure rises with depth. There are many different techniques to measure pressure. With the use of a straightforward equation incorporating depth, density, and gravity, water pressure may be simply determined.
Pressure in Liquids
- Its in all directions
- It increases with depth
- It depends on the density of the liquid
- It doesn't depend on the shape of the container.
Pressure = Density * Gravity * Height
Pressure =ρ(rho) * g * h
Like everything else on Earth, water is drawn downward by the force of gravity. Every body of water has a certain weight that presses downward on anything underneath it. The weight of all the water above presses down on the water below, creating water pressure. There is more water above you as you descend further into a body of water, thus there is more weight pressing down. This is the cause of the rise in water pressure with depth. Only depth determines the pressure, which is constant everywhere at a given depth and in all directions.

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