Birds do not get electric shocks even if they are on a high voltage wire because: They have high resistance in their body. There is zero potential difference between any two points in their body Their body parts are made of insulators. Inside of their bodies there are very high voltages.

Corbin Atkinson

Corbin Atkinson

Answered question


Birds do not get electric shocks even if they are on a high voltage wire because:
They have high resistance in their body.
There is zero potential difference between any two points in their body
Their body parts are made of insulators.
Inside of their bodies there are very high voltages.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-08Added 6 answers

When a bird stands on a high voltage wire, there is no potential difference between the legs of the bird since it stands in a single wire, and as a result, no current flows through the bird. Birds often stand on single live wires, which prevents electric current from flowing through the bird.
So, answer is There is zero potential difference between any two points in their body.

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