The mass of sun is 2 xx 10^(30) kg and the mass of earth is 6 xx 10^(24) kg. If the average distance between the sun and the earth be 1.5 xx 10^8 km, calculate the force of gravitation between them.



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Answer & Explanation

Lilly Maldonado

Lilly Maldonado

Beginner2023-02-18Added 8 answers

Given :
mass of sun MSun = 2 × 10 30 kg
mass of earth MEarth= 6 × 10 24 kg
Average distance r = 1.5 × 10 8 km
= 1.5 × 10 8 k m × 1000 m / k m
= 1.5 × 10 11 m
According to the universal law of gravitation,
Plug in the given values to the formula,
F = 6.67 × 10 11 × 6 × 10 24 × 2 × 10 30 ( 1.5 × 10 11 ) 2 F = 6.67 × 6 × 2 × 10 ( 11 + 24 + 30 ) ( 1.52 × 10 ( 11 × 2 ) ) F = 80.04 × 10 43 2.25 × 10 22 F = 35.57 × 10 ( 43 22 ) = 35.57 × 10 21 F = 3.57 × 10 22   N .

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