On average, a blink lasts about 104 ms. How far (inm) does a MiG-25 "Foxbat" fighter travel during a pilot'sblink if the plane's average velocity is 2220 mph?



Open question


On average, a blink lasts about 104 ms. How far (inm) does a MiG-25 "Foxbat" fighter travel during a pilot'sblink if the plane's average velocity is 2220 mph?

Answer & Explanation

Gaige Burton

Gaige Burton

Beginner2022-08-16Added 16 answers

A blink lasts 104 milliseconds, or 0.104 seconds You want to know how far in "m" he travels. Does that mrepresent meters or miles? I have to ask because standard units aremeters, but you give the speed in miles per hour. And they bothstart with "m".
Anyway... convert his speed to meters per sec
2220 m p h ( 0.4469 m / s 1 m p h ) = 992.2 m / s
and then d i s t = s p e e d t i m e = 992.2 m / s 0.104 s = 103.2 m e t e r s
In miles... 103.2 m e t e r s ( 1 m i l e 1609 m e t e r s ) = 0.0641 m i l e s

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