A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is:

Makayla Reilly

Makayla Reilly

Answered question


A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is:

Answer & Explanation

Jaylen Mcmahon

Jaylen Mcmahon

Beginner2022-09-03Added 16 answers

The question can be solved by breaking the journey in two halves of 160 KM each.
Distance / Velocity = Time Taken
t1 + t2 = Total Distance/Avg Velocity
(160/64) + (160/80) = (320/V)
V = 71.1 Km/Hr

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