Resistive forces on Simple Harmonic motion.



Answered question


How is a simple harmonic motion affected by resistive forces? In this case, a spring block system is placed on rough horizontal surface. How to derive the block's displacement equation?

Answer & Explanation

Kyan Mcdonald

Kyan Mcdonald

Beginner2022-09-28Added 6 answers

Let us consider a block on a surface, under the action of a restoring force k x and a static-sliding friction force. For simplicity we consider the case where the block is initially at rest, i.e. its initial velocity is zero, x ˙ = 0
First of all, if | x | < μ N / k no motion will occur, since the static friction force balances the restoring force. If | x | > μ N / k the motion will occur, governed by the Newton's equation
m x ¨ = ± μ N k x ,
where the sign in front of the friction force depends on the direction of the block motion. formally, this could be written as
m x ¨ = sign ( x ˙ ) μ N k x ,
sign ( x ˙ ) = { + 1 ,  if  x ˙ > 0 , 1 ,  if  x ˙ < 0 .
As was mentioned in the beginning, it is easier to solve this problem in piecewise manner:
if x 0 > μ N / k, the motion is governed by equation
m x ¨ = μ N k x ,
which is the equation of an oscillator under the action of a constant force, with equilibrium position x e q = μ N / k, and the amplitude A = x 0 μ N / k. It will swing through its equilibrium position and stop at the point x 1 = x e q A = 2 μ N / k x 0
if x 1 < μ N / k, the oscillator will swing back. Its velocity is now positive, and motion is now governed by equation
m x ¨ = μ N k x ,
which is the equation of an oscillator under the action of a constant force μ N, with equilibrium position x e q = μ N / k, and amplitude A = | x 1 x e q | = μ N / k x 1 The oscillator will thus stop at x 2 = μ N / k + A = 2 μ N / k x 1 = x 0 4 μ N / k
We can continue reasoning in this way and arrive at the following recursive solution:
x 2 n + 1 = 2 μ N / k x 2 n , x 2 n + 2 = x 2 n + 1 2 μ N / k .
The solution of this equations for the stopping points is
x 2 n = x 0 4 n μ N k , x 2 n + 1 = 2 ( 2 n + 1 ) μ N k x 0 ,
while | x i | > μ N / k
With some patience this solution could be generalized to the case of arbitrary initial conditions.

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