Why does solving the differential equation for circular motion lead to an illogical result?

Emmy Swanson

Emmy Swanson

Answered question


In uniform circular motion, acceleration is expressed by the equation
a = v 2 r .

Answer & Explanation

Shyla Maldonado

Shyla Maldonado

Beginner2022-10-21Added 15 answers

That equation is misleading.
You wrongly assume that a is dv/dt here, which it isn't.
Let us first rewrite the centripetal acceleration equation properly:
| a N | = | v | 2 R a N = v 2 R
where a N is the normal acceleration. The normal acceleration can be expressed as a a T where a T is the tangential compenent of acceleration a. For uniform circular motion, a T = 0 so what we're left with is
| d v d t | = | v | 2 R a = v 2 R
Note that a here is a = a x 2 + a y 2 in 2-D. Since v = ( v x , v y ) , we can say
a = ( d v x d t ) 2 + ( d v y d t ) 2 .
Putting this into our centripital acceleration equation, we can get,
(*) ( d v x d t ) 2 + ( d v y d t ) 2 = v x 2 + v y 2 R
This is the proper differential equation we are solving.
Note that since a T = 0, we have that d d t | v | = d d t v x 2 + v y 2 = 0, so
v x a x + v y a y = v a = 0 , which serves as our second equation to solve ( ).
Now, since you know that the solution to uniform circular motion is r = ( R cos ( ω t ) , R sin ( ω t ) ), you can go ahead and verify that it indeed satisfies

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