Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the stopping force is Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the impulse is A tiny gun made of a strong but very light material fires a bullet more massive than the gun itself. For such a weapon



Answered question


Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the stopping force is
Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the impulse is
A tiny gun made of a strong but very light material fires a bullet more massive than the gun itself. For such a weapon

Answer & Explanation

Lilyana Simon

Lilyana Simon

Beginner2022-11-25Added 7 answers

First is greater with the brick wall, second is both the same, third is the target would be safer than the shooter.

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