Charging by contact is not a reliable method because it often gives the charge opposite to that expected (in an electroscope). How?



Answered question


Charging by contact is not a reliable method because it often gives the charge opposite to that expected (in an electroscope). How?

Answer & Explanation

Teagan Gamble

Teagan Gamble

Beginner2022-11-25Added 8 answers

Two charged items interacting with a neutral object is known as "charging via conduction." Charging via contact is another name for conduction charging. A charged object should have come into contact with a charged electroscope by charging conduction and transmit its charges to it. An illustration of charging through rubbing is when you enter the room and rub your feet. After that, the charges on your hand leave your body and enter the doorknob when you contact it. This is referred to as charging by touch.

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