Energy can neither be created nor destroyed i.e. the total energy of the universe remains constant; however, it transforms from one form to another. The same phenomena apply when we burn a candle, chemical energy of wax is converted to light energy and heat energy. True or false



Answered question


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed i.e. the total energy of the universe remains constant; however, it transforms from one form to another. The same phenomena apply when we burn a candle, chemical energy of wax is converted to light energy and heat energy. True or false

Answer & Explanation

King Hansen

King Hansen

Beginner2022-11-25Added 6 answers

According to the law of conservation of energy, which governs physics, the universe's overall amount of energy remains constant across time. Energy changes from one form to another; it cannot be created or destroyed.
For instance, when we burn a candle, the wax's chemical energy is expended and transformed into light and heat energy. So, answer is true

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