What happens if there is no friction?



Answered question


What happens if there is no friction?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-26Added 11 answers

The force that prevents two solid objects from sliding or rolling over one another is known as friction. Although frictional forces are advantageous, such as the traction needed to walk without slipping, they also pose a sizable amount of resistance to motion. If there is no Friction then:
As a result of friction, objects cannot slide apart. Without friction, everything would slide to its lowest point. Anything would be hard to scale. Without friction, writing will not be possible. There is friction whether riding a bike, a cycle, even in a car or a bus. Businesses do not use machines, so there is no need for frictional mechanics. Without friction, we would not have been able to sit, walk, run, or dance.

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