Why is a general formula for Kostka numbers "unlikely" to exist? A general formula for Kλμ exists, where Kλμ is the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape λ and type μ with λ⊢n and μ a weak composition of n.

Belinda Colon

Belinda Colon

Answered question


Why is a general formula for Kostka numbers "unlikely" to exist?
A general formula for K λ μ exists, where K λ μ is the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape λ and type μ with λ n and μ a weak composition of n.

Answer & Explanation

Aurora Hutchinson

Aurora Hutchinson

Beginner2022-11-25Added 10 answers

1) By a "general formula" you mean a product of some kind of factorials. This is rather uninteresting, since it's unclear what those factorials would be. Kostka numbers tend to be chaotic, so I am sure you can find relatively small partitions with annoying large prime factors. What do you do next? One can also ask about asymptotic results which don't allow this, in the flavor of de Bruijn. But again there are too many choices to consider, and none are really enlightening.
2) There is a formal notion of #P-completness, a computational complexity class, loosely corresponding to hard counting problems. It is known that Kostka numbers are #P-complete. This means that computing Kostka numbers in full generality is just as hard as computing the number of 3-colorings in graphs.
3) Continuing with the theme "formula" as a polynomial algorithm. Such "formulas" do exist in special cases then. For example, if the number of rows in both partitions is fixed, Kostka numbers become the number of integer points in a finite dimensional polytope, which can be computed in polynomial time.
4) Alternatively, there is a rather weak notion of "formula" due to Wilf. Roughly, he asks for the algorithm which is asymptotically faster than trivial enumeration. But then one can use the "inverse Kostka numbers" which have their own combinatorial interpretation, which are similar but perhaps slightly faster to compute. Since Wilf only asks for a little better than trivial bound, one can compute the whole matrix of Kostka numbers which has sub-exponential size p(n), while Kostka numbers are exponential under mild conditions.

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