Partializing fraction with 4th power for integration How can I partialize the following fraction ? My query mainly lies with the term with 4th power . I want to use it in an integration problem .So , any clue to the dealing with integration will also be helpful... (2p)/((1-p)(1+p^(4)))



Answered question


Partializing fraction with 4th power for integration
How can I partialize the following fraction ? My query mainly lies with the term with 4th power . I want to use it in an integration problem .So , any clue to the dealing with integration will also be helpful...
2 p ( 1 p ) ( 1 + p 4 )

Answer & Explanation

Lucas Contreras

Lucas Contreras

Beginner2022-11-26Added 11 answers

1 + p 4 = ( 1 + 2 p + p 2 ) ( 1 2 p + p 2 )
can you finish now?


Beginner2022-11-27Added 1 answers

Is this what you need ?
2 p ( 1 p ) ( 1 + p 4 ) = a 1 p + b + c p + d p 2 + e p 3 1 + p 4
Cross multiply to get
( a + b ) + ( b c + 2 ) p + ( c d ) p 2 + ( d e ) p 3 + ( e a ) p 4 = 0

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