Which of the following statements is true about the scientific process? The hypothesis is always supported in the end / You can change the hypothesis if the experiment is not supporting it/ Your hypothesis must be testable/ You can change the data if it doesn’t support the hypothesis.



Answered question


Which of the following statements is true about the scientific process? The hypothesis is always supported in the end / You can change the hypothesis if the experiment is not supporting it/ Your hypothesis must be testable/ You can change the data if it doesn’t support the hypothesis.

Answer & Explanation

Mylee Mcintyre

Mylee Mcintyre

Beginner2022-11-26Added 11 answers

The correct answer is the statement #3. The statement that says: your hypothesis must be testable, is a true statement about the scientific process.
To conduct experiments on a hypothesis that isn't even solvable will be irrational and wasteful.

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