What state of matter is fire?



Answered question


What state of matter is fire?

Answer & Explanation

Teagan Gamble

Teagan Gamble

Beginner2022-11-25Added 8 answers

Plasma is the condition of fire (mostly). Although science is unable to fully explain the true nature of fire, the most striking similarity between fire and plasma should help quell any lingering questions! More than any other state of matter, plasma resembles a gas, but it functions significantly differently from a gas.
The combustion reaction that occurs in the gaseous state is represented as fire. Just two of the by-products of combustion are heat and light.A tiny amount of plasmamight also develop in some fires by photo-ionizing surrounding gaseous molecules. However, the sort of combustion and reaction temperature have a significant impact on the plasma's ability to develop. Flames are typically observed in areas with finite bounds, leading us to believe they are a distinct state of matter. If you've ever tried passing your finger slowly across a candle flame, you won't notice any physical differences other than the heat.
One of the distinctive forms that the different phases of the matter take is the condition of the substance. In everyday life, four different states of matter can be found: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Numerous additional states, such as the Bose-Einstein condensate and neutron degenerate matter, are thought to only exist in extremely cold or dense matter. Other potential states, including quark-gluon plasmas, are currently considered to be theoretical.

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