The temperature of an ideal gas increases in an: A Adiabatic expansion B Isothermal expansion C Adiabatic compression D Isothermal compression

Talia Frederick

Talia Frederick

Answered question


The temperature of an ideal gas increases in an:
A Adiabatic expansion
B Isothermal expansion
C Adiabatic compression
D Isothermal compression

Answer & Explanation

Arturo Hogan

Arturo Hogan

Beginner2022-12-01Added 13 answers

C Adiabatic compression
In isothermal processes, the system's temperature stays constant, whereas in adiabatic processes, there is no heat exchange between the system and its surroundings. Therefore, the amount of work performed on the system during adiabatic expansion is equal to the system's internal energy drop, and the converse is true during adiabatic compression, where the amount of work performed on the system is equal to the system's internal energy rise. Since internal energy directly relates to temperature, an ideal gas's temperature rises in an adiabatic compression because:n.

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