Ice floats on water for what reason?

Justine Pennington

Justine Pennington

Answered question


Ice floats on water for what reason?

Answer & Explanation

King Hansen

King Hansen

Beginner2022-12-02Added 6 answers

Ice floats on water:
Mass and volume are inversely correlated with the density, which is directly proportional to mass.Formula: ρ=mv. Here, ρ is the density, m is the mass and v is the volume.Due of its lower density than water, ice floats on water. The density of ice is 0.931gm-cm-3 and the density of water is 1.0gm-cm-3. Since ice is lighter than water, it gets displaced by the water and floats on top. Ice's reduced density is caused by hydrogen bonds and its cage-like structure. Ice floats on water as a result.

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